Sunday, August 26, 2012

August 26 Sunday

Joe continues to do better slowly.  He is walking a block or two several times a day which puts him back in bed.  They said we could expect this and yes, it is true. Joe is however, building up strength every day.  Have not had the scary low blood sugars for 2 nights now.  Now they seem to be going the other way.  However, he is building up his strength slowly and is having hunger pangs.  So first is trying the popsicle thing.  We went to a lot of stores today looking for sugar free root beer popsicles but sadly had no luck.  However, did find banana flavor.  Unkl Bob came today to visit and jim and suzanne left for an hour to have  breakfast at the Longfellow Grill.  We pretty much sat in shock, eat and went back to our place.  Joe and Bob walked up the block and back.  Jim and I have our shifts, me till 12:30 and now sleep till 7am.  Jim sleeps from 10, wakes at 4 for blood checks and a med, then back to bed for a couple hours.  Now sure how long this will go on but we are getting thru it and full of hope now for Joe's future.  Tesia is moving to a new apartment in Brooklyn and she is very excited. Ok. taking a cat nap.

1 comment:

  1. Keep getting stronger Joe.

    Hang in there Jim and Sue!

    Thanks Unkl Bob!!


