Saturday, August 11, 2012

August 11, Saturday

Mother load has lost a  few lines today.  Insulin went up last night so they attached it again and backed off today at around 3pm.  so far so good.
The block that has been used since surgery day was just removed from his back.  I had to go out of
the room while they did this.  Joe pain is a bit worse but seems more comfortable without the lines going into his spine/back.  Physical therapy in bed today, Joe is pretty wiped out.  Doing an occasional  ice chip.  Nothing to eat or drink for over a week.  He is getting some nutrition through a feeding tube.  One of these days he will get that greek swandwich he has longed for since 2003.
ok nurse is back.   more later...

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Joe! We have been following your progress on the blog, but have noticed there have been no entries for the past couple of days. We are hoping your post-op healing is continuing to go well, and that you are experiencing minimal pain. We are sending positive, healing thoughts your way---can you feel it??
    Kim, Jeff, Dani, Neala, Tom and Margaret
