Couple busy days for Joe. First early am training class on tube feeding. Joe will be tube feeding at home for awhile. Tube brings nutrition right into his small intestine to bypass stomach. He has a small machine (Named Joey Kangaroo) that times how fast the stuff goes in.
11am the whole doctor team came into Joe's small room.
Dr. Clavel pain doc reduced his pain meds again.
Dr. Dunn the surgeon, took out Joe's staples (maybe 100 of them) Incision 14 inches long and
a tube draining his cavity around the stomach. Ouch.
Joe has been walking and sitting. Saturday Jim took him outside walking for the first time since surgery. Happy day. Then a walk outside, Had a dip in blood sugar which cut walk short but he learned how to handle blood sugar peaks and valleys. Part of the drill during his recovery. Finally 4:30 time for a rest. oops. no here comes the nurse again. I don't think Joe will really get much sleep until he leaves hospital. Not an easy place to rest.
Get them to put a bell on your wheelchair and you can pretend you're in Breaking Bad!